dh lame x update blog ni..
saje nk ucap slmt ari raye wlupn rasenye dh agak lmbt..
p/s:wei pawn vs king..xtau r nk tulis pe..hahahaha
taun ni raye seremban je..sori nenek n mek kt klate tuh..
sian kmbing2 kt kg..dh lame x tgk..
they are discussing..
Prof Hany: we must give our beloved student an A for anat
Prof Ezz : R u sure??i have give a lot of MCQ questionS during class..
Prof Hany : Ahhhh...juz give our beloved student A..plzzzzz
Prof Ezz : Who?ok la..i will give them A for posting my pic
Prof Hany : wafi n roi'e
Prof : ok2,no problem..BEREH skoda
ape2 hal pn,we nk mntak maaf klu ado slh slp yg x trsdr spnjg bljr brsame dis sem...